Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tragedy hits the Ipsen's

My dear old cat, TAC, was put to sleep Monday afternoon. He was a good cat, and lived a long happy life, 17 years to be exact. I've had him since I was 11 years old, in the sixth grade, we have been through a lot together. Elementary school crushes, high school dramas, college days, a wedding, a move across the country and a new baby. After I moved out of my parents house, whenever I came home he was always the first thing I called for and the last thing I said good-bye to. When he moved in with us, he would always greet us at the door when we got home. How I will miss that dear old, feisty cat!

A few funny and fond memories of Tac:

The road trip with him from CA to GA.
The time he stared Clay down in the rearview mirror while using the litterbox.
Smuggling him into a hotel in the pretense that he was a baby.
The way he would race up and down the hall, thumping like a racehorse.
The way he always wanted to pounce on things and play no matter how old he was.
The way he would hide in the closet during a thunderstorm, but after awhile he learned that it was safe to hide between my legs and the couch during any storm.
The day we found a dead baby rabbit on our front porch. Yep still a killer at the age of 17, he was so proud.
The way he would race outside everytime I opened the door to get the mail, only to demand to be let inside as soon as I shut the door.
The way he would keep me company during the day, following me from room to room.
The way he would let Hannah "pet" him as long as I was scratching his back.
The way he loved me.


Miranda said...

I still can't believe how old he was. I bet dad will remember most the scratch marks he left on all of the nice wood windowseals. I sure remember that since I was the one that stained them. hee hee. Good old Tac.

Tiffany said...

I forgot about that. Is that why he became an outside cat?

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