Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fire! Fire! False Alarm

So...Last night at Murray State, in Kentucky, I had a fire alarm at about 2:30 AM. Yeah, it was pouring down rain with thunder and lightning!! For 30 minutes we waited in my car. There was no fire or emergency. It was fun and made me feel like I was in college. One week to go!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

all smiles

Monday, July 21, 2008

Beautiful Murray!

This is a great Blog. My wife has done a great job. I am here in Murray, Kentucky working on my Masters degree. It is nice and humid here. We are at the White Reident Hall this year. Something new every year. Today has been more of gwetting things organized and then working on our school work this afternoon. Go Racers!

Smile Big!

Hannah has discovered her reflection in the mirror. I don't think she realizes it is her reflection she is looking at, but she definitely sees another baby looking at her so she grins big every time we step in the bathroom. It is so cute!

First Family Camping Trip

Clay had a week of vacation, so we decided to go camping. Hannah is probably the youngest baby to ever go camping. She was four months at the time. She did pretty good when it came to hiking. We strapped her on us and she seemed to enjoy the fresh air and nice weather as much as we did.

The night time was a different story alltogether. After the first night we made a new family rule. No camping unless the baby can sleep through the night. We made a little bed for her in our tent, where she eventually fell asleep. Then when she woke up around midnight I brought her to my sleeping bag, bad idea. The sleeping bag was too small for the two of us, so we kept tossing and turning all night. I don't think either of us slept a wink. That made for an extremely tired and CRANKY baby the next day. Our three day two night camping trip turned into two days and one night. I wasn't about to go through another sleepless night.

During our trip we tried to get Hannah to take a nap, so we took her for a car ride. On our adventure we found an old country store, GOATS ON THE ROOF. Funny thing was, there were actually goats living on the roof. It was hilarious! There were two different buildings, and on the roof was some grass for the goats to eat. There was a pen for the goats on the other building. The two roofs were connected by a little goat bridge. It was awesome!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Take me out to the Ballgame

We took Hannah to her first major league ballgame. The Braves won! I never thought I would cheer for the Braves, but there I was cheering my little heart out. Funny to think, they are our home team, so GO BRAVES! It was a good game, and the best is that my company was hosting a party in a suite. We got to sit in the fancy boxseats. It was great!

Hannah was very good, especially considering it was way past her bedtime. She didn't really fuss to much, as long as Mom was holding her. All in all good times at the ballpark!

My Music